Saturday, August 7, 2010


How I got to Berlin.

...the owner of the happy little red car was an ecological entrepeneur and cuz I had a weird little Estonian hat on my head she thought I was a happy treehugger straight out of the Polish swamps, as there are some around that area (aka Ostrow maz, she recommended to go there). I told her that I was heading to Berlin and she assured that there's a train going there and if I'm lucky I can get it extra cheap. My second question to her was if she was a couchsurfer, which she was of course. A really lively person and as she was pressing her car trough the orange light in the city she told "Don't worry it's only dark green" so basically she was superawesome. She told me that she didn't take in CSers because her cats had conquered her flat, it was the power of the furriest ones.
She took me to the central train station where I found out that in Poland the train system is more complicated than baking chocolate-marmalade teddy-bear shaped cookies. THe place where you buy tickets isn't the place where they can tell you where and when the train leaves. That is why you have to hang out with the information booth lady and her line. Finally the moment arrived when I was asked to answer the question that decides my fate "Do you want a train ticket to Berlin for tomorrow morning for 34 euros?" and after a small calculation I said YES. Next time I thought about it I realized, crap, it was 3/4 of my money for three months in Denmark and then I patted myself on the shoulder and said, money comes and goes, you can ask for food from the car drivers...
After getting the ticket my host told me I could stay at her teeny-tiny flat and I thought that I'd seen small flats, but I realized that I had mistaken. Her flat really was tiny it looked more like a closet than a flat, but it was still very nice in a good condition. the kitchen was a hallway and the bedroom was filled after my matress was full of air. Her cats were really cute one friendly and wanted to emerge with my petting hand and the other older one stared at me from a distance probably blaming me for eating her food.
The night was fun. The mattress wasn't half as air proof as the commercial said it to be and I had to wake up at 5 o'clock. The young cat found it really amusing to jump onto my shrinking mattress and look what's going on in my nose several times during the sleep. At five the alarm went off, I drank some coffee and found my way into the bathroom where 3 people could almost fit in with the door closed (if one is under the shower). I asked my host if I should leave, but she said it's an hour too early which was the point I realized I hadn't turned my clock, soo I crawled back into my little sleeping bag on the empty mattress and slept 30 minutes more. Finally she told me it's time and sent me to the gate. She looked very funny when she said goodbye, because everyone looks funny 5 o'clock standing on the gates in their PJs and just woken up.
After some looking I found my seat in the train and was looking for a way of getting a free ride in the future, but I found it rather impossible. The tickets were checked at least 3 times and hiding in the toilet would be too suspicious as there more than enough people on the train to notice a hobo hiding in the bathroom. So finally around 12 I arrived at Berlin train station discovering that my phone works in Germany...that's amazing!!!
Boredom on the train
And there in the train station my homie from Moldova came to pick me up. And new adventures of Berlin awaited...

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