Monday, September 20, 2010

How to make smoked eggs?

An update on what has happened and what has been taking place on this jelly filled country.

Untskyld (sorry in Danish) for not updating for such a long period of time, but laziness and the rest of the world had gotten better of me. Fortunately now I'm back on tracks and ready to fill you in on most of the amazingly awesome things that have happened.
To make it shorter, here's a list of things I've done during this period:
  • Done jewellery
  • Paintballing
  • Climbing trees and walls and crates, basically everything climable
  • Semi-bungee jumping
  • Swimming
  • Petting soft jellyfish and spend tons of quality time looking for them
  • Partying in Svenborg
  • Finding out that the guy who invented female condoms was from Svendborg
  • Dumpster diving, which I might say is incredibly fruitful activity in DK (I even mean it in a literal way)
  • Meeting with the major of Nord-Fyn
  • Visiting a local high school and a nearby folkehøjskole
  • Different markets on Fyn which seemingly had age limit 'over 70 year old only'
  • Visiting Århus and the biggest art museum there named ARoS Kunstmusem and it was really really good (and expensive)
Making hitch hiking records on Sunday mornings
And last but not least, annoying the hell out of most of the 60 students here, plus some teachers.
So that sums up most of it, smaller details can be retained, by donating money (only for good cause of course)
Plus I got an offer to stay in this wobbly hilly land till December and that's an offer I just can't refuse, especially if we will get a new teacher and most important-free food. If you think I'm being cheap by saying that then you're wrong, it's not easy living with constant state of poverty and without any plan or certain education it's hard to find a job, plus it's way too early for me to sell my soul into chicken training circus. And now I'd like to present you some great pictures from these past months, enjoy:

Maria at her best!
A horsee
Going to the market can effect your shoes

Århus Kunstmuseum called Aros (or something very similar)

I feel like this all the time

 I Århus
A giant 6 meter boy in Århus
This masterful thing is a robo c(m)op cleaning your floors when you're not looking

THis is what happens when combining a girl scout and reggae

Some pretty pink flowers
Chess makes everyone look smarter
Calling Jellyfish!
Found the jellyfish!
Place for skinny dipping in Bogense
Hhere's an address to my picture album. Btw. making smoked eggs is easy, first you make genocide by boiling an egg, drill an hole in it, stuff it wit tobacco and a filter, smoke...and voilá, one smoked egg.
Plus today I got a new haircut, now I look like Lady Gaga with a blind 90 year old hairdresser. I just asked a girl from here to cut my hair and she just did it...of course during dinner time she sat right opposite to me and couldn't stop laughing, cuz I look like Lady Gaga gone wrong. Well at least it was only hair, remember not to ask her to fix your brain.

That's it for today, hope you had fun and have sweet dreams,
Sove godt.